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LinkedIn in Act!

We’ve all heard it, “it’s about who you know”.  Some might say that your “who you know” can be tallied up by your connections on LinkedIn.  If you use act!, and you use LinkedIn, we can make your process a little easier.

If you are a 3Leaf client, you know we are all about that bass, sorry tangent. . .that’s not it at all.  We’re all about act! being your virtual assistant, the keeper of your business brain.  It’s a one-stop-shop of your critical data.  So when you add that new Contact to act!, save yourself a bunch of steps outside of act!, by tracking the Contact in act! and connecting via LinkedIn – all in one place!

Create a LinkedIn Connection from act!:

  1. Enter a New ContactNewContact
  2. Click the Social Updates tabSocialUpdates
  3. If your new Contact is on LinkedIn, you’ll see a listing of matches (based on Contact name, e-mail address and Company.)
  4. Click Connectconnect


You just saved the step of going out to LinkedIn, looking up the Contact and sending them a connection request!



Michelle Scott

I've been in the CRM business since 1999. Prior to that, I was in marketing - focused on brand marketing. Whether you use one of the "big name" CRM products or a shoebox, I firmly believe that CRM is a process more than a software.

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