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Sync Now Button

One of the greatest benefits ACT! is efficiency.  ACT! helps you stay on top of things and hopefully makes your job easier.  There are a few tricks to make ACT! even easier.  Any time we can reduce the number of clicks for a task, the faster we are helping you get something done!

If you are a sync user, one of the best tips we’ve picked up is adding the Sync Now and Refresh buttons to your Menu bar.

To add the buttons:

1.  Right click on the Menu bar, next to the Help option
2.  Click Customize

3.  Click the Commands Tab
4.  Under Categories, select Tools



5.  Click and drag Synchronize Now to the Menu bar
6.  Drop the button in the position you’d like
7.  Under Categories, click View
8.  Click and drag the Refresh option to the Toolbar



Now, you have single click buttons to launch your synchronization and after complete, refresh.  What other custom buttons would save you steps, and ultimately time?


Michelle Scott

I've been in the CRM business since 1999. Prior to that, I was in marketing - focused on brand marketing. Whether you use one of the "big name" CRM products or a shoebox, I firmly believe that CRM is a process more than a software.

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