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Pretty, powerful reports

One of the features in Act! that has always been, how can we put it kindly. . . lack luster in Act! is Reports. I dare to say it was built around the same time as the Griswold’s family truckster, and not much has been updated. there are some useful items there, but if you want something really powerful, and really pretty, most Act! experts will recommend an add-on.



I recently started working with a client that has some complex needs for reporting. Well beyond how many phone calls did each sales person make, and how much did they close last quarter. (We can do that too, by the way, and make it pretty.) This called for not only an add-on, but an outside expert. I learned very early on in my career that it’s not always best to always be the expert, but to know a lot of really great experts. One expert is the team at Gold Coast Advisors, and an add-on they helped build called Crystal Clear Essentials. Basically our customer has custom activity types that are assigned a weighted rank in their process.  The rank is based upon the importance, the amount of time they should be spending on that specific task, etc.  It’s a pretty elegant scoring system to measure efficiency and focus.  They are extremely diligent about tracking the activities and histories, and they wanted to see the data.  They had a report that dumped the data for them, but then they spent time with a white board and Excel extrapolating what the data meant.


 Activity Type % By Score

By Score


Enter Crystal Clear Essentials and Gold Coast Advisors.  What metrics would help grow your business?  Which activities should your team focus sales energy on?  3Leaf and our partner experts can help you build your process in Act!.  Then, we’d be happy to work with you & our trusted report gurus to build a fully custom report solution.  Give us a shout to get started – 410-472-5058 or e-mail me directly –  Not only will you have data by which to measure your success, the reports will be pretty AND powerful.














Michelle Scott

I've been in the CRM business since 1999. Prior to that, I was in marketing - focused on brand marketing. Whether you use one of the "big name" CRM products or a shoebox, I firmly believe that CRM is a process more than a software.

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